Welcome to ICACIE 2022

ICACIE 2022 focuses on both theory and applications in the broad areas of advanced computing and intelligent engineering. ICACIE is a multidisciplinary conference organized with the objective of bringing together academicians, scientists, researchers from industry, research scholars, and students working in all areas of advanced computing and intelligent engineering. The conference will provide the authors and listeners with opportunities for national and international collaboration and networking among universities and institutions from India and abroad for promoting research and developing technologies. The aim of this conference is to promote the translation of basic research into applied investigation and convert applied investigation into the practice. This conference will also create awareness about the importance of basic scientific research in different fields matching the current trends. The conference will provide the flavor of keynote lectures by eminent speakers from different areas & panel discussions by industry people. The scope of the conference includes all areas of Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering.

Keynote and Invited Speakers

Publication Partners

Proceedings of the 7th ICACIE 2022 will be published in the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series of Springer.

Indexing: This series is indexed by leading indexing services including SCOPUS, Web of Science, Google Scholar, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, and SCImago

Journals Support

Top-ranked and selected papers are invited and recommended by the conference for submission of extended versions to the following Inderscience journals [DBLP & SCOPUS indexed]:

International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering [IJCSE] and International Journal of Embedded Systems [IJES] are listed in The University Grants Commission [UGC]